Legal News

Legal Digest (December 2024)

Table of contents:

  • On determining the procedure for exercising control in the field of antimonopoly legislation
  • On the Approval of Good Pharmacy Practice Rules
  • On Establishing the Procedure for Determining the Base Price for Raw Milk
  • On Establishing the Utilization Fee Rate for Goods Subject to Recycling After Losing Their Consumer Properties
  • On the Approval of the Procedure for Importing Medicines and Medical Devices into the Territory of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • On Establishing the Procedure for Storing Medicines and Medical Devices
  • On the Introduction of a Fee for the Repair, Maintenance, Construction, and Reconstruction of Roads
  • On Establishing the Procedure for Forming the Registers of State and Municipal Services
  • On Establishing Minimum Wholesale and Retail Prices for Tobacco and Nicotine-containing Products

On determining the procedure for exercising control in the field of antimonopoly legislation

The Procedure for monitoring by the authorized state body for regulation and oversight in the field of antimonopoly legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic has been approved. This Procedure outlines the process for conducting monitoring activities carried out by the authorized state body in the field of antimonopoly regulation.

The resolution enters into force fifteen days after its official publication.

On the Approval of Good Pharmacy Practice Rules

The Good Pharmacy Practice Rules have been approved, establishing the primary requirements for the operation of pharmacy organizations. These rules are aimed at promoting health, ensuring the rational use of high-quality and safe medicines by the population, and achieving maximum therapeutic benefits with minimal adverse effects.

It is stipulated that the implementation of this resolution will be financed for state healthcare organizations within the approved budget of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic for the respective years. For private pharmaceutical organizations and state-owned enterprises, implementation will be carried out at their own expense.

The resolution enters into force fifteen days after its official publication.

On Establishing the Procedure for Determining the Base Price for Raw Milk

The procedure for determining the base price for raw milk has been approved. This procedure outlines the guidelines to be followed by government bodies, local self-government authorities, economic entities, and other interested parties when establishing the base price for raw milk.

The resolution enters into force fifteen days after its official publication.

On Establishing the Utilization Fee Rate for Goods Subject to Recycling After Losing Their Consumer Properties

The procedure for the payment of the utilization fee has been approved. It defines the rules for calculating the fee, the payment deadline, the control over accurate calculation, completeness, and timeliness of payment, as well as the procedures for collection, offsetting, and refunding of overpaid or over-collected amounts of the utilization fee.

In accordance with the procedure, the recycling fee to ensure compliance with the standards of recycling of waste from the use of goods is paid by legal entities and individuals, individual entrepreneurs who import goods from third countries or import goods from member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as the production of goods in the Kyrgyz Republic (hereinafter – payers), except for those who ensure independent compliance with the standards of recycling of waste from the use of goods.

The law enters into force seven days after its official publication.

On the Approval of the Procedure for Importing Medicines and Medical Devices into the Territory of the Kyrgyz Republic

The procedure for importing medicines for medical use and medical devices into the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic has been approved. According to this procedure, the import of medicines and medical devices is carried out based on a certificate confirming the classification of the product as a medicine or medical device, or on the basis of an import permit (authorization document).

The resolution enters into force ten days after its official publication.

On Establishing the Procedure for Storing Medicines and Medical Devices

The rules for storing medicines and medical devices have been approved, establishing safety requirements for organizing the storage of various groups of medicines and medical devices in pharmaceutical organizations and healthcare institutions, regardless of their ownership form and departmental affiliation. These rules apply to all pharmaceutical organizations (pharmacies for finished pharmaceutical products, pharmacy points and kiosks, pharmacies with the right to manufacture medicines, warehouses) located in the Kyrgyz Republic, regardless of their ownership form and departmental subordination.

The resolution enters into force fifteen days after its official publication.

On the Introduction of a Fee for the Repair, Maintenance, Construction, and Reconstruction of Roads

Fees for the repair, maintenance, construction, and reconstruction of roads have been introduced.

The fee payers are entities that import and/or produce gasoline and diesel fuel. The amount, procedure, and deadlines for collecting these fees are determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic.

It is established that these fees will be one of the sources for the formation of the Road Fund.

The law enters into force on January 1, 2025, and is subject to official publication.

On Establishing the Procedure for Forming the Registers of State and Municipal Services

The regulations on the procedure for forming a unified register of state services provided by government bodies and their institutions, as well as the procedure for forming the registers of municipal services, have been approved. The regulations establish the basic requirements, principles, and procedure for forming the unified register of state services and municipal service registers provided by government institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic, local self-government bodies, to individuals, legal entities, and local communities. They also define the requirements for standardization and procedures for making changes to the registers.

The resolution enters into force fifteen days after its official publication.

On Establishing Minimum Wholesale and Retail Prices for Tobacco and Nicotine-containing Products

Minimum wholesale and retail prices have been set for filter cigarettes, non-filter cigarettes, cigars, and heated tobacco products (heated tobacco sticks, heated tobacco capsules) in cylindrical form. Starting from January 1, 2025, the price will be 110 soms, and from January 1, 2026, it will increase to 120 soms. The resolution also sets prices for electronic cigarettes.

The resolution is subject to official publication and will come into force on January 1, 2025.