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«Alliance Altyn» LLC


«Alliance Altyn» LLC was established by the Open Joint-Stock Company «East-Geoldcustom» and was registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic on June 2, 2015 in the village. Sassyk-Bulak of the Talas district of the Talas region.

The main principles of activity of the OJSC «Alliance Altyn» are:

  • Compliance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • The use of advanced technologies and management methods that ensure economic efficiency, industrial safety and environmental protection.
  • working with the state and local communities.

«Alliance Altyn» OJS owns a license for the development of the Jerui gold deposit and a license for exploration work on gold on Jerui Square. The Talas Gold Mining Plant (TZRC) was built for the development of Jerua.

In 2015, geological, surveying, engineering and ecological research, as well as the development of technological regulations for the processing of ores, were started on Jerue. In 2015, the Republic of Armenia signed a memorandum of understanding with the Russian Federation.

In April 2017, the construction of roads and infrastructure was started on the Jeroui production site.

In November 2019, mining of ore began on Jerue. In November 2019, the company announced that it will start mining.

In March 2020, the gold-extraction factory and the tailings pond TZRC were commissioned.

The total investment in Jerui at the time of the launch of the processing complex TZRC (June 2015 – March 2020) amounted to $410 million. The total investment in the Jerui project (including open and underground mining, processing facilities) is estimated at $600 million.